Child abuse Cases
When dealing with Child Abuse or Neglect we must take great care to properly deal with it, we must be very cautious as the underlying causes and effects can only we approach by an interdisciplinary team at Adam K Goodman we are experienced treating with these harsh cases, we are sensibilized with the traumatic experience a family or accused person of child abuse is facing when involved in a Child Abuse case. We believe that family members especially our children should deserve protection so they can grow in a safe environment, we also believe that anybody should have the opportunity to be well represented so their fundamental constitutional rights are preserved even if they’ve been prosecuted for this kind of crimes, sometimes an innocent person is being accused of child abuse for multiple reasons including revenge or just because the child is looking for attention, either way everybody whether guilty or not must be given a fair trial, and have the right to legal counsel, due process of law and all of the appropriate legal safeguards including the principle of equality of arms which means that while the Police and State Attorney’s Office will aggressively try by all means to use all of its power to get an accused behind bars and adversarial proceeding with fairness and access to all proofs is a requirement in our legal system.According to Florida Statues 827.03 Abuse of Children is categorized as follows:
child abuse:
Child abuse means: “Intentional infliction of physical or mental injury upon a child; An intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to a child; or Active encouragement of any person to commit an act that results or could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to a child.” Simply Child Abuse is a third degree felony whenever there is no bodily harm, permanent disability or permanent disfigurement to the child.aGGRAVATED CHILD ABUSE:
Aggravated child abuse occurs when a person: “Commits aggravated battery on a child; Willfully tortures, maliciously punishes, or willfully and unlawfully cages a child; or Knowingly or willfully abuses a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child.” Aggravated Child Abuse is a first degree felony and as such the maximum term an accused may face is up to a 30-year sentence.neglect of a child:
Neglect of a child means: “A caregiver’s failure or omission to provide a child with the care, supervision, and services necessary to maintain the child’s physical and mental health, including, but not limited to, food, nutrition, clothing, shelter, supervision, medicine, and medical services that a prudent person would consider essential for the well-being of the child; or A caregiver’s failure to make a reasonable effort to protect a child from abuse, neglect, or exploitation by another person.” Neglect is punishable as a second degree felony when a person willfully or with culpable negligence causes great bodily harm, permanent disability or disfigurement to the child, otherwise it is punishable as a first degree felony.Contact Criminal Defense Attorney Today
If you have been convicted of a crime in Florida, it is important to seek an Appellate Attorney immediately. Contact Miami Criminal Defense Attorney Adam K. Goodman to learn about your options during a free consultation. As a Hialeah Criminal Defense Attorney, Adam K. Goodman will aggressively fight for you and defend your constitutional rights. Adam K. Goodman maintains the ideal that relationships matter, which has earned him respect amongst prosecutors and judiciary. This leads to results for you, the client.
As a former Miami prosecutor and Chief of Litigation, Adam K. Goodman has the experience and knowledge to defend your case. Contact The Law Office of Adam K. Goodman at (305) 482-3265 or (954) 695-5126 today for all of your Broward County, Palm Beach, Monroe, or Miami Criminal Defense needs.